Contact your tutor to obtain the correct licence code.If you have any other questions, please raise a call with the ServiceDesk. Licence codes automatically expire every year on the 30 June but do have a 30-day grace period. If you are unsure which version to download, and to obtain the licence code, please ask your tutor. Please see the guide for applying the Patch for SPSS29 for Macs. Chromebooksīe advised that SPSS Statistics is not supported on Chromebook SPSS download links for Windows 64-bit Students using their own devices or devices provided by the University should follow the normal instructions below. Click Start > Company Portal > Search > SPSS UHI Staff and PHD Students should download SPSS via the Company Portal.
The university has a site license for IBM SPSS Statistics Basic (Versions 26, 27 and 28) making it available to all current students and staff.